
First Day Back / PPRD 2

I was quite nervous about beginning the second year as my confidence is never particularly great when starting a new education course or continuing on with a course after a lengthy break, particularly because I feel like I can’t remember and haven’t retained any of the knowledge or skills that I have previous possessed and learnt in previous studies. This is just an ongoing battle with confidence which I intend to beat by the end of this year as it holds me back from completing work to my full potential as well as discarding perfectly good ideas which I think maybe stupid or not relevant.

The first day back was a relatively generic first day in which we got to socialise with classmates whom many of us hadn’t seen since the end of the first year, as well as a brief meeting with Sally, Neil and Kit as well as a short introduction to our new print technician. It was a pleasure to begin to get back into the working environment (although no course work was completed today). As before we were required to complete enrolment before returning to the studio where we were issued our PPRD 2 unit brief. We were also informed as to the requirements of the brief as well as the significant differences to our first PPRD unit last year. We were also told we were required to set up Flickr.com and Blogger.com accounts to enable our course leaders to follow our progress.I look forward to documenting my progress throughout the year in my PPRD as in the first year I found it instrumental in maintaining a clear direction for my work as well as a useful file of previous ideas, designers and other relevant subjects which enable me to further my studies.

Somewhat annoyingly we were then told our first day back would be Thursday meaning that after having the huge summer holiday I would be having another two days off before actually getting down to doing some work. UGH!!

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