
Catch Up Post // SBC 2 #2

Reset Button//Image Test
Using actionscript tweening as opposed to timelime tweening (a newly aquired skill) I have been able to create a reset button, which wil return all the file folder instances to their original rotation angle, scale and depth arrangement.

this.swapDepths(9999);----------------> This ensures that the reset is always ontop
Reset.onRelease = function() { ------> on press of the reset button
myStart = drag2._y;
myEnd = 471.0;
myTweening = new Tween(drag2, "_y", Strong.easeIn, myStart, myEnd, .3, true);
myStart = drag2._x;
myEnd = 526.0;
myTweening = new Tween(drag2, "_x", Strong.easeIn, myStart, myEnd, .3, true);
myEnd = drag2.swapDepths(75);
myTweening = new Tween(drag2, Strong.easeIn, myStart, myEnd, 1, true);
}; ----------> return the istance to original position, rotation, x and y scale etc.

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