Today was the deadline for the PPRD unit which I have mixed feelings about. Obviously, I am pleased its out of the way, however it seems to make sense to me to keep it running until the end of the year to enable a full recording of the year (something I plan to do anyway). However I was pleased to the standard I handed in the portfolio, CV and felt my blog was up to date, relevant and interesting (relatively...) and above all, represented my work over the year, including evidence of live and competition briefs.
I was glad that I didn't leave my PPRD to update later and kept on top of it for the majority of the year apart from a few spots (mainly the screen based unit). I do wish I had included more posts just on things that interest and inspire me however there is still time to rectify that within the blog over the rest of the day.
I also attended work related learning today which I am really enjoying, possible due to the small number of us doing the unit (five in all, myself, martin, jenny, siobhan and jamie). I feel it makes it easier to discuss the brief and also gives us plenty of time to work as a group with and without Kit and Neil to develop a decent plan and understanding between us of what we are all aiming to do within the unit. This means some of the visits and lectures can be generic and we can share the results and findings as results.
Hopefully we will secure some worthwhile visits and hear from some interesting people. I plan to try and get an online questionnaire to Experimental Jetset as they are favorites of mine in the design world due to the crisp clean work and work ethos.
Also we have discussed visits to printers, publishers, local and afar designers and other practitioners. All in all it looks to be an interesting and exciting unit.
Finally i managed to grab a tutorial with Kit today after work related learning which has pretty much saved my ass! After a brief discussion about why I had yet to do any work (I worry about starting? I don't know why? Fear of failing maybe?, anyways...). We discussed the brief and she reminded me of some very obvious but extremely important points.
1. Its my professional project its up to me and essentially I can do what I want (as long as it works within my learning agreement).
2. The fact that a grade won't get me a job where as a piece of solid work, which I like, could.
3. Advice from tutors is just advice, do what you like, as long as its relevant!
So all in all today has been a highly productive day, and I finally feel like I can get on after some brief discussion on my professional project, plus PPRD in terms of a unit is out of the way!