The interim critique today was with Kit Johnson and went very well I felt, I obtained some solid feedback which I felt gave me a solid direction to head in for the rest of the brief, something I was extremely grateful for as I was currently feeling somewhat lost on where to go with the website. I recieved some useful pointers about my identity type detailing, the overall look of the site as well as some reall creative suggestions about what else I could do or add to my site to make it a more user friendly, innovative piece of online design. Below is the flashsite to my interim critique group.

I have tried to develop my identity somewhat over the last few days and have decided to work with a bold, well known font. My initial decision is to throw caution to the wind and use Helvetica, however after looking at my various identity tests ad experiments I have decided to use the original inspiration for Helvetic; Akzidenz Grotesk. I have chosen to use this font for the time being as it is a recognizable, well known design font which hasnt been quite so overused as its newer counterpart, Helvetica.

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