
Introductory Lecture and New Brief

Today we had a short introduction by Clare, a professional illustrator, textile and graphic designer who has been working in the field of greetings cards, wrapping papers and seemingly everything else which comes into this sector of design. I found her work interesting and motivating, especially her work based around St. Ives. The care and attention that goes into her work is stunning, as well as the handmade elements of much of her work which I found extremely inspiring as it is not really something I have ever considered doing. Her more recent work also intrigued me as when looking for cards for various occasions I have often wondered who designs this type of work. I hope to discuss my ideas with her in the coming week as I feel I would be able to gain a much better understanding of where to aim at with this project (A set of six greetings cards) by doing so.

The new brief looks like it could be a tough one to really get focused on, but none the less I will try my best. After discussing ideas with Neil, my first thoughts are that I would like to work within type for the cards as I like the idea of being able to say as much with type as I can with image. The possibility of quotes is the first direction I plan to head in for this brief, but before deciding on a technique or visualisation I must ensure I work the right way round and gain an insight into some design I really like and then focusing on a target audience to guide my work in the correct sort of direction.

Also the next post will hopefully have details of which live brief I had decided to undertake as well as my progress on this next part of the current brief!

Note: I must remember to keep up to date with PPRD as I do not want to have to recount what has happened over a time period as ideas, concepts, discussions and other elements of my learning become lost if they are not carefully documented.

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