Thought maybe writing a post for ye olde blogge, would snap me out of the infection known as holiday mode. Since discussing my rough direction in terms of the D&AD briefs with Mike last week (an extremely useful couple of days in my opinion), I was feeling extremely good about really knuckling down.
The website project which was given to us over a week and a half ago now, I was looking forward to, a chance to develop an identity, to put it online in an innovative and interestig way... alas nothing has been done!
Well, thats not quite true. A brief run down of the little progress made for each is included below.
D&AD - Home Base 'Grow Your Own' Packaging/POS
- Previous to discussing the brief with Mike, I had only chosen this brief to work on, no work or ideas had actually been considered. After getting some very rough ideas and looking in Homebase, I met with Mike and he first suggested that we discuss ideas and research as a group to get some initial ideas (this was extremely useful as we were able to consider the ideas from everyones point of view, an extremely good way of thinking of or developing ideas you never would have thought of).
Next I just began further brainstorming before talking to Mike and discussing my working methods and where he felt I should start. We discussed a few ideas and he recommended I begin to consider the phyisical shape, size and workings of the packaging and to worry about point of sale and branding later.
I am yet to really get on with this one but I plan to concentrate my efforts over the holiday on working on this competition brief... Note: That means getting alot SBC 2 out of the way with this last week before the holidays start.
Brief - Screen Based Communication 2
- When I say I haven't done anything on this piece of work is abit of a tall tale as I have actually considered it a fair bit, I have got a relatively solid idea of a Flash site on paper, but would quite like to experiment with the other options avaliable to us; namely developing the use of CSS for a site (or possibly combining the two (Flash/CSS)to create a Flash Site, with easily updateable text content)...
I still need to get some solid inspiration and visiual identity but so far I think I am progressing in a good direction.
Sadly I have not done anything more than that stated and would quite like to have had developed at least one of the projects to a stage where I could devote the majority of the holidays to working on the other project. Well there's my progress thus far, Ill hopefully get some work done now!!!