Today myself and my peers handed in our learning agreements for our proposed study of work during the time span of the professional project unit. I have included my learning agreement below.
Name: Christopher Walter
Course: FdA Visual Communication Level: 2
Unit: Professional Project
Reference number: VCM209
Credit points: 45
Study hours: 450
Tutor(s): Sally Hope, Kit Johnson, Mike Ryan, Neil Leonard
Synopsis of StudyFor my Professional Project I plan to produce a promotional campaign for a film festival. This will include producing an identity and other relevant pieces of design from the following list: posters, website, programs, schedules, tickets, invitations, flyers etc. The chosen theme of the festival will be decided as part of my research phase and will focus on a certain aspect of film and cinema whether it be a celebration of a specific genre, director, actor/actress or series of films.
First of all, I will underpin my work by completing some initial preliminary research into the cultural positives and impact on locations which host these types of event regardless of the size of the event (anything based around grouping people together for cultural ends is relevant research whether it be film festivals, art exhibitions or music festivals or local gigs). This will help me to anchor my reasons why I am focusing on my chosen subject.
The majority of my research will consist of the study of event publicity materials and existing film events as well as unrelated events, such as museum exhibitions and music festivals to gain a broader knowledge of design in this sector of graphic design as well as contemporary, professional practice and existing film related design such as the art of the film poster. I will also look at contemporary typographic practice to aid my design choice.
The reason for this choice of project stems from my interest in film as well as from my opinion that design for events of this kind are often too focused on a single audience and thus fail to appeal to larger target audiences. I also feel that film events could do with a more contemporary, refreshed design aesthetic to bridge the gap between the traditionalist nature of events of this kind and the need for a more modern appearance to retain a prestigious profile within the field of film, while using a design that moves with the times and appeals to the broadest possible audience.
I feel that an event of this type needs a modern aesthetic and style, which appeals to my target audience and beyond. My target audience consists of people within the film world, or who have an interest in the subject but do not practice within the subject area of film for example the everyday person/film go-er. This highlights the need for design, which will cater for this broad audience. The focus of the campaign could include specific subject based, and unspecific target audiences.
Aims A1 To consolidate my creativity and practical skills in response to a ‘live’ or simulated professional brief.
A2 To develop my creativity and your knowledge and understanding of professional practice.
A3 To develop and produce a professional standard of creative work in response to a ‘live’ or simulated brief.
A4 To prepare myself for employment, freelance work or further study.
Learning outcomes:LO1 Demonstrate a professional standard of creativity and practical ability, including:
• Work that is technically comparable to that made within a specified genre.
• Work that shows an awareness of contemporary trends, styles and
subject matter, within commercial contexts.
• Work that shows a high degree of creativity and aesthetic judgement.
LO2 Demonstrate a professional ability to plan your time and your work, including:
• Project time planning.
• Working successfully with others in the production of creative outcomes.
LO3 Respond appropriately to the demands of a professional/self initiated brief, including:
• Appropriate creative outcomes to industry/work related briefs.
LO4 Demonstrate readiness for employment, freelance work or further study with confidence in the level of your creative, practical and professional knowledge and skills.
Assessment RequirementsFor assessment I will produce development sketchbooks, including research into contemporary practice particularly in the field of graphic design, typography and existing publicity materials for a variety of events, exhibition and festivals, leading to a set of final publicity materials 100%.
Assessment Criteria (specific criteria related to the learning outcomes and linked to the statement of generic assessment criteria matrix): Evidence of understanding through synthesis and development - Research used to inform design decisions and communicate ideas (LO1)
Evidence of knowledge of concepts and contexts - Project work that shows creative maturity and direction within a commercial context (LO1,LO2)
Evidence of understanding through research and analysis. - Extensive research, and the application of it, used for the underpinning and final conclusion of project work (LO1,LO2,LO3)
Evidence of understanding through critical evaluation and reflection - The objectives of the research have clearly been identified and used to inform project work. (LO1,LO2)
Evidence of knowledge of technical processes – Knowledge of suitable hardware and software required for the planned project (LO1, LO2)
Evidence of realisation through presentation - Work is placed within a commercial context and appropriate methods of presentation used. (LO3)
Evidence of realisation through technical application and skills - A synthesis of creativity and professionalism is demonstrated in the conclusion of the project work (LO1)
Evidence of realisation through communication of ideas – Presentation of learning agreement and finished project (LO1, LO2, LO3)
Transferable SkillsManaging and responding to professional briefs
Project planning and management
Completing the learning agreement
Magazines: Baseline
Websites: British Film Institute - HYPERLINK ""
American Film Institute - HYPERLINK ""
Baseline Magazine Site - HYPERLINK ""
CMYK Magazine Site - HYPERLINK ""
Grafik Magazine Site - HYPERLINK ""
Typophile - HYPERLINK ""
Typographer - HYPERLINK ""
Design Observer - HYPERLINK ""
Books:Type and Graphic Related Publications
Publicity Publications
Other:Relevant flyers, handouts, posters and any other resources – magazine, events, exhibition, festival related design and publicity.